Environment, health and safety (EHS)

The Association promotes the safety of products and environmentally responsible business activities through Responsible Care, HPV initiatives, SDS, PRTR, LRI and other EHS activities.

EHS & Technology Committee and Sub-Committees by product are responsible for the EHS issues. They cope with the EHS problems and search for the best solutions.

Influence on laws and regulations

Based on the members’ opinions, the Association makes proposals to the related organizations such as ministries concerned, in order to achieve the sound development of business.

International trade and business

The Association has been in closer contact with foreign chemical industry associations to exchange the regulatory movement for chemical products.

Public relations

Through our home page, monthly reports etc., we are trying to listen to the opinions of the stakeholders and speak for our industry.

Enhancement of business activities

The committees by product groups are doing studies to develop and expand the business opportunities.

In the workshops, the state-of-the-arts technologies are introduced and other managerial topics are also lectured by its experts.